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Career Audit Questions You Need to Answer Honestly

Carrying out a career audit is very important to reaching your career goals and professional expectations. Being happy with your job or career is one thing. However, knowing what development, learning and career move you should make next can only be achieved by carrying out a career audit. Analyzing your career achievements can set up

How Do You Choose Between a Big Salary Vs Job Satisfaction?

If you had to pick a big salary vs job satisfaction, which would you eventually settle for? Would you go for the fat paycheck or would you stick with a job that gives you satisfaction and peace of mind? Most people would be tempted to go for the former because money is an important reward. However, as

4 Benefits of A Career Health Check

The benefits of a career assessment cannot be overemphasised, which is why a career health check is essential to your quest to attain your short-term and long-term career goals. A career health check is a periodic assessment of your career; it tells you how well you are doing, what industry trends will impact you and

Work Distractions That Affect Your Productivity

Your level of productivity at work can be determined by the kind of distractions you have and how you respond to them. A distraction is anything that takes you away from what you are supposed to be doing. These things can be external or internal influences that impact your ability to attain your deliverables and

3 Crucial Things You Should Know About Working Overtime

Working overtime occurs when you spend additional time beyond your agreed and contractual hours at work. The concept of working overtime is not alien to most employees but it can be harmful to your productivity. Some have argued that it ensures that work gets done but this does nothing to change how it impacts productivity.

21 Success Tips For Young And Aspiring Entrepreneurs

Being successful often means learning from those who have already achieved their goals. Having a mentor is an amazing blessing to an entrepreneur, but not everyone can find one in person. If you haven’t yet found your personal business guru, here are 21 tips for young or aspiring entrepreneur to help get you started. 1.

Here Are The Key Things To Do While Looking For Job In This Digital Age

In those days, those who went job hunting actually went from door to door of the employers, dropping their CVs all in the name of wanting to work for the said companies. This is no longer the case as the digital age has changed the way people seek employment with the help of technology. So,

Want To Get Big As An Entrepreneur? Checkout 5 Solid Tips To Grow Your Startup That Will Outlive You

If you have always aspired to becoming really big as an entrepreneur, these are certain tips to grow your startup to that huge height. Startups are appearing on the tech scene almost every day. This is good news because it shows that quite a number of people have embraced the internet as a means of

10 Success Tips You Need To Know As An Entrepreneur

In this article, you will discover the things you should do as an entrepreneur to be successful. You can place a check beside each characteristics that you feel that you possess. To legally operate a vehicle on the roadways, one must possess a genuine drivers license. To excel in sport, one must train and practice.

12 Easy to Implement Content Marketing Ideas

You know you need to start generating and marketing content. The question is: where to begin? Creating fresh, new content on a regular basis isn’t exactly easy. And it’s oftentimes that exact challenge the keeps consultants from plunging into the realm of content marketing. So if you’re ready to start creating content – but just need a