Category: Ideas

Tips and Tricks: CVs, LinkedIn and cover letters

What does a good cover letter look like? How long should my CV be? Do I need LinkedIn? These are a few of the questions posed to the Freshminds team, when we were joined by CBRE to provide UCL students with a CV panel discussion and Q&A session. As a recap, we’ve put together some

What is Content Marketing & What Will It Cost Me?

Seasoned B2B marketers are turning to content marketing more and more to generate qualified inbound leads and nurture existing leads to improve close rates. While content marketing has been around for a little while, it can still be a bit murky to determine what is content marketing and what isn’t. In this post, we’ll address

8 Factors You Must Consider Before Giving a Salary Range

Deciding what salary range to request from your prospective employer during an interview process or at the end of a performance review or promotion can be quite tasking. There are so many general and personal reasons for this. For many candidates and employees, salaries are considered the ‘holy grail’ and they don’t want to be