Women Networking: Ways to Build Professional Network

For career women, networking is very key to growth. In the ever resounding words of Porter Gale, a renowned keynote speaker, entrepreneur and marketer, your network is your net worth. Issues of bias around pay and promotion for career women in the workplace are as topical as they are controversial.

This has paved way for a lot of research and has raised a lot of concern from employers who put a conscious effort into building a more engaged workforce. The goal here is to balance things out and this is made manifest in the number of women represented in leadership positions.

Over the years, networking has grown to become an effective tool for career progression of both men and women. In this article, we will take a look at women networking opportunities and tips that can help you build a successful career. When done right, networking can have a long-term impact on your career and net worth.

Invest in Your Personal Brand

Identify your brand, passion and invest in personal branding within your professional circle and professional niche. Visibility is everything – If people don’t see, hear or read about your personal brand, they cannot connect with you. Building your personal brand helps you reinforce who you are, what you do, your career and what you stand for. In other words, it helps you manage your career and steer you towards fulfilment.

Social media is a great tool to kick-start your personal brand building process but don’t stop there. Take on opportunities at work that aligns with your passion and interests. Extend your personal branding into mentoring others. Nothing stops you from writing or speaking at events. You can start with a podcast or Youtube channel. Brand yourself today because if you don’t define your brand, people will do it for you and you might not like their perception of what you stand for.

Just Do It

When it comes networking to build your network, carrying out the action is just as important as drawing up a realistic strategy. No one breaks the glass ceiling(s) by just planning without execution. As a professional, you need to go out there and connect with individuals who can add value to your career and vice versa.

Nurture Relationships

It is easy to get lost in the routine and the busy schedules of building a career but remember to nurture the relationships. These relationships are not for short-term benefits alone. Cultivate the habit of building long-term relationships with professionals like you. Keeping in touch with your network is not as difficult as it used to be. You can stay in touch via social media, emails, calls and networking events. When nurturing relationships, think long term; not short term.

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